5 best seeds for jungle temples in Minecraft (2022)

Jungle temples are one of the coolest structures in Minecraft. In Java Edition, they're technically referred to as jungle pyramids and are only called temples in Bedrock Edition. However, the term jungle temple typically refers to the structure found in the jungle.

These structures can have incredible loot, including diamond horse armor, enchanted books, emeralds, saddles, diamonds, iron ingots, gold ingots and so much more. This is the main reason players seek them out, but they're usually very difficult to find. Using a seed to find something is an easy way to alleviate the issue.

Here are some seeds for jungle temples.

Jungle temple seeds in Minecraft 1.18

5) Seed: 1479235289

This jungle temple isn't the most difficult to find. In fact, it's pretty easy since it can be clearly seen without much of anything in front of it. However, that's not what makes this seed great.

It's that there's a tiny jungle island that happens to have a jungle temple. This could be an amazing base as many players renovate an island to make it their home.

4) Seed: 874512433

Jungle temple (Image via Mojang)

What's better than one jungle temple? Two jungle temples. Better than that? Three jungle temples. Fortunately, this seed has not one, two or three, but four jungle temples available near spawn. Two sets of coordinates, -936, 75, 248 and -1176 72, 40, will get players close enough to all three temples. There's sure to be plenty of stellar loot in all of them.

3) Seed: 689543989

One of the coolest parts about the jungle, where temples can be found, is how massive and dense they can be. It's great for exploring and usually holds a lot of resources for building.

This seed has a massive jungle biome with a huge cave (courtesy of the new 1.18 cave generation) in it. There's also a jungle temple nearby. The coordinates are 377, 92, 409.

2) Seed: 4014

Lush caves (Image via Mojang)

This seed will spawn players in the middle of a jungle biome with ocelots and parrots right around them. Just a short walk to the southeast will get players to a jungle temple, which is usually not so close.

It can be found at 80, 119, 191. The added benefit of this particular Minecraft seed is that there are multiple lush caves near spawn, too.

1) Seed: 1666931276

Multiple jungle temples (Image via Mojang)

This seed has three jungle temples within 1,000 blocks of spawn. It's not that far when Minecraft players consider how far they often walk just looking for a place to set up shop. Here's where they can find them:

  • Temple 1: -439, 70, -297
  • Temple 2 : 230, 77, -761
  • Temple 3: 1126, 80, 775

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.

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