Charlie Puth is the pitch perfect pop cutie best known for some of his catchy collaborations including “Marvin Gaye”, “We Don’t Talk Anymore”, and of course, “See You Again” – the sensational hit that sent Puth’s career sky-rocketing.
Now if you’re a Puthinator you’ve probably asked yourself (and maybe even tweeted Charlie) all three of these questions:
And while the answer to question number three is a closely guarded secret that only Puth himself will ever know the answer to, we here at CelebMix can help you out with the other two! Woohoo!
Firstly, Charlie’s sophomore album “VoiceNotes” is due for release on January 19th 2018 and is available to pre-order right now – so hang in there fellow Puthinators, we’ve got a little while to wait yet.
But what we don’t have to wait for anymore is the new video for Charlie’s current single, “How Long”. Puth unveiled his late-night city-scape visual to accompany the track earlier on today across all of his social media accounts and fans were quick to react… But not for the reason you might expect!
Our guy Charlie is well known for sitting behind a piano to perform – well long gone are those days! Charlie displays some interesting dance moves as he wanders through the night, looking suave in his evening suit, and fans weren’t about to let him get away with it that easy!
One fan joked “where can I sign up for Charlie dancing lessons” and another quipped “You are better than Michael Jackson”.
Luckily Puth saw the funny side and was happy to continue the laughs with his fans on Twitter.
All jokes aside, the visual is great. We get the feeling that Charlie is on his way home after a night out on the town, telling the viewer the story as he looks straight into the camera. He appears to show no remorse for his actions as he dances care-free, with that famous perfect smile charming us. So care-free in fact that he even floats mid-air!
Watch the video here for yourself and let us know what you think over on Twitter @CelebMix!