Cynthia Bailey Praises NYC Governor, Andrew Cuomo

Cynthia Bailey shared a quote on her social media account, citing NYC governor Andrew Cuomo. Check out her post below.

‘#repost @nygovcuomo Last night was a long and ugly night across the country and across our state. People are outraged and I understand it. I am too. It’s not just George Floyd’s killing, although that is cause enough. It’s the continuing, chronic, institutional racism in this country. We don’t need to lose the passion or the outrage — we need to direct it like a laser on real, positive change.
That’s how George Floyd does not become just another name in a long list of people who should never have died. That’s how his death won’t be in vain👏🏾❤️’ Cynthia captioned her post.

A follower said: ‘He needs to keep that same energy with the NYPD…they are beyond outta control.’

Someone else posted this message: ‘Hasn’t Governor Cuomo been telling the people of New York how to live their lives for the last 3 months? He also killed how many elderly by putting COVID patients in rehab and nursing homes.’

A commenter wrote: ‘You are correct and we are sick and tired of being mistreated and we aren’t going to take it anymore when you can kill a man in broad daylight and attempt to say it’s justified a change is needed this can’t be tolerated against any people. If we stand for something we will continue to die for no reason other than we came in this world BLACK. And to that I say ENOUGH, “I can’t breathe!”’

Cynthia told her fans that they should fight for justice, but they should also remember to fight ‘the good fight.’


Other than this, Cynthia wants people to remember who George Floyd was amidst all the protests and the looting that are now going on in the US.
