Following the Fortnite update v24.20, dummy Titan Targets were added to the island. Similar to Attack on Titan anime/manga, players can take down these dummy Titans using ODM Gear. Since they don't fight back, they are easy targets to practice on.
Given that ODM Gear is rather complicated to master, Epic Games wants players to hit the nape of four different Titan Targets in-game. This will help them get accustomed to how the item works and give them some experience of how to fight in 3D space.
A step-by-step guide on how to hit the nape of different Titan Targets with ODM Gear attacks in Fortnite
1) Locate ODM Gear
The first step to completing this Challenge is to find ODM Gear. There are many ways to obtain this item. It can be found in Chests, Scout Regiment Footlockers, and as loot found on the floor.
One of the best places to find ODM Gear is Jaeger's Family Basement. This landmark is located in Anvil Square. Although the POI can become a hot-drop location in most matches, securing the item shouldn't be all that difficult.
2) Find Titan Target
Once the ODM Gear has been secured, the next thing to do is locate the Titan Target. Given that these dummy titans are made from wood, they tend to blend in with the environment. Thankfully, one of them can be found in Anvil Square itself. Use ODM gear to reach the Titan Target or walk to conserve its charge.
3) Lock onto the Titan Target's nape using the ODM Gear and attack
Once the Titan Target has been located, while having the ODM Gear selected in the inventory, lock onto the nape and initiate an attack. If done correctly, the character will fly through the air and perform a slash-attack on the Titan Target's nape.
Where to find Titan Targets in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2?
A total of seven Titans Targets can be found on the island. Most are located in and around The Citadel, while others are more spread out. Here are their locations:
- Anvil Square
- Shattered Slabs
- Pleasant Passage (East of Shattered Slabs)
- Western Watch and Royal Ruin (West of The Citadel)
- East of Warden's Watch at an unmarked location
- Coastal Battlement (Southeast of Breakwater Bay)
Keep in mind that to complete this Challenge, only four of the Titans Targets' napes will have to be hit. That said, try hitting the Titans Target located in off-beat locations. This will make completing the task much easier.
The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!
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