Masterchef Recap 07/14/21 Season 11 Episode 7 Legends: Nancy Silverton Pasta Challenge

Masterchef Recap 07/14/21 Season 11 Episode 7 "Legends: Nancy Silverton - Pasta Challenge"

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Masterchef returns with an all-new episode on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, season 11 episode 7 called “Legends: Nancy Silverton – Pasta Challenge,” and we have your weekly Masterchef recap below. On tonight’s Masterchef episode as per the FOX synopsis, “With the top 10 at their fingertips and elimination on the table, Michelin Star chef Nancy Silverton challenges the home cooks with a fresh pasta challenge. The cooks must prove they.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Masterchef recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

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In tonight’s Masterchef episode, it’s another night in the MasterChef kitchen. Last week’s challenge was very humbling for some and those same people in the bottom came back roaring with something to prove tonight. Their guest judge was Nancy Silverton. She was known for her wonderful Italian dishes and many of the contestants were excited to see her because they themselves have Italian roots.

With all the Italian blood in the room, the next challenge was naturally Italian as well. The contestants were asked to make fresh pasta and they received a Masterclass from both Joe and Nancy. The two judges made several different pasta dishes. They showed the contestants the many things that could be done with pasta and then they gave them sixty minutes to create their own pasta dishes.

Most of the contestants chose to play it safe. They chose to cook dishes they’ve already cooked before in their everyday lives and unfortunately, there were other contestants who have never cooked pasta before. Lexy has never cooked pasta before. She gave her culinary dreams to focus on her family and now she’s taking time away from the family to finally pursue the culinary dreams. Lexy doesn’t have any experience.

She’s a home cook who hasn’t branched out into Italian dishes. She was in the bottom last week and she was genuinely scared of ended up back there. She’s not ready to go home yet. No one wants to go home. They were some that were taking risks by cooking dishes they’ve never cooked before or added elements to dishes they know.

Miles was especially worrisome. He decided to use an old dish and to add to it and unfortunately, he was all over the place. The pine nuts he wanted to use, he overcooked. The pesto sauce was inedible. Miles was cooking with higher-end products than what he usually can afford and so he didn’t take that into account when making his dishes.

It wasn’t until he had to throw away the pine nuts and tasted the pesto sauce that he realized he was in trouble. He threw away the pesto sauce. He started over again from scratch and the judges were all watching him like they were watching a car accident. It was gruesome and still, they couldn’t look away. The judges watched all the contestants and they spoke with a few of them.

Anne was making a cream sauce for her dish. They told her to just coat the pasta with the sauce. Don’t drown it. Alejandro was called brave because he was going to throw an octopus on his pasta dish. Jo has never seen a grilled octopus on a dish and he laughed about Alejandro’s chances at getting into the top three.

Then time was called. The contestants had to put down their utensils and were forced to wait as the judges went around silently judging their dishes before openly judging their dishes. It was a difficult time. Some of the dishes looked Instagram-ready while others looked like the contestant just threw everything onto a dish. That’s what Miles’ dish looked like. His dish was all over the place and there was no one to blame for it but himself.

The judges went around tasting the dishes. They saw things that concerned them like how Miles managed to burn the second dish of pine nuts and so they told him it wasn’t funny when he began laughing as he explained what happened. There were other bad dishes tonight. But first, the judges announced their favorite dish. The first dish to be called was Anne’s dish. Anne created Pappardelle pasta with pancetta, asparagus, peas, and cheese.

The judges loved this dish. They also noted that Anne didn’t take any risks and they all enjoyed it except for Jo. Jo felt Anne’s dish has too much going on. The next dish they called was Autumn’s. Autumn created a Lemon Ricotta & Beet Tortellini. The judges were all in agreement that her dish was amazing.

The next and what should have been the last dish was Kelsey’s. She created Tagliatelle with lobster and the judges enjoyed how she made the lobster pieces bite-size. Then the judges surprised everyone by calling up the fourth dish. They called up Lexy’s dish. She created Lasagna with Italian sausage and ricotta and the judges loved how it was so her and delicious and comforting. Out of the four dishes, the judges named Autumn as the winner.

This was very important to her because her nonna recently died and so this dish was dedicated to her. The judges were soon finished with the best dishes. It then came time to name the worst three dishes. They named Miles. Miles had one side of the dish that was a meat pasta sauce and the other side in pesto.

Alejandro was called next. His pasta dish tasted three days old and the octopus made it worst not better. Then the last dish to be called belonged to Michael. Michael let down his Italian heritage. He had technical problems with his dish and it didn’t taste great. The pasta dish of the past dish challenge was a complete letdown. Just not big of a letdown as Miles’s dish.

Miles was eliminated tonight.

