Nike And Apple Announced Theyre Closing U.S. Stores Amidst The Coronavirus Pandemic And People Fr

Nike and Apple just made an announcement that had a lot of people freaking out. This comes amidst the global crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.

As you probably know by now, the WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic a few days ago, and since then, hell broke loose all over the world.

People are freaking out, and they don’t really know how to live their lives anymore.

The Shade Room reveals more details about what happened.

‘While some retailers and chains are reducing hours, #Nike and #Apple have decided to close their U.S. stores for the rest of the month in the wake of the #coronavirus outbreak,’ TSR writes.

They continue and reveal that ‘It’s a move that many anticipated was coming from retail businesses, and it seems these two major brands are the first to do it. Nike’s closures, which were announced Saturday, extend to Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand starting Monday and are scheduled to end March 27th, according to @abcnews.’

It’s been also revealed that the Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that Apple is taking lessons from how it handled the outbreak in China. In conclusion, Apple will also shut down stores until March 27th.

Someone said: ‘Ok they really dragging this now! And one another follower brought up another issue – the people who are buying tons of toilet paper. Here’s what that person said: ‘Why do people buy so much toilet paper ?, I think if you wrap yourself in toilet paper to look like a mummy, you reduce your chances of catching Coronavirus (because no one will approach you).’

One commenter said: ‘Which means we shall have to shut down on the bills too 🤷🏽‍♂️’ and another follower hopped in the comments as well and concluded by saying: ‘They need to close everything at this point.’

After a photo that was showing Trump with someone who is infected with coronavirus went viral, people freaked out, and the media wanted to know if Trump would get tested as well.


The Shade Room just revealed the fact that the White House has confirmed Donald Trump was tested, and the result is negative.
