The Maui News / DAKOTA GROSSMAN photos
FIRST PHOTO: Sears department store, one of the original tenants of Queen Ka’ahumanu Center, closed its doors on Sunday after nearly a half century of selling clothes and shoes, jewelry, appliances, tools and electronics. The Kahului store began to sell off inventory with markdown sales since Sears Holding Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Oct. 15, 2018. Maui Sears was among the first tenants of Ka’ahumanu Center when it opened in 1972 and now its closure is one of the last of its kind in the state.
SECOND PHOTO: On Thursday afternoon, Maui Sears was nearly empty and offered up to 90 percent off the remaining items, which included a rack of men’s pants and women’s shoes, tools, and miscellaneous items in the back. The store remained open for only a few hours on Sunday with only a handful of extremely discounted and free items left. A sign was propped up outside reading “Aloha Sears, we will miss you!”

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