Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Chin Up Bar Review

Pull-ups are a favorite exercise among many exercise enthusiasts. With just a single motion, it will work out your core and upper body. You will be able to get a sculpted physique if you workout regularly with this pull-up bar. You won’t need to spend a fortune to buy this bar as it is inexpensive. Also, you will be able to work out within the comfort zone of your home and avoid going to a gym. You can choose either a doorway pull up bar or a wall-mounted pull-up bar. However, it can be difficult to find a good pull-up bar as there are plenty of options available in the market today. Among some of the best pull up bars, people prefer the Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Chin Up Bar for its sturdiness and durability. Here, we are going to look into its features in detail.


If you want to take your fitness goal to the next level, then you should consider buying the Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Chin Up Bar. This is a simple equipment that is strongly built. You can install it either in a horizontal or vertical position. You can mount it on a wall or fix it in doorways. You can easily adjust the height of the pull-up bar according to your needs. You can set it well off the wall so that you have space for doing different exercises.

You will be able to mount it using 16-inch wood studs for widths at 16’’, 32’’ or 52’’ apart. When you mount it on a concrete wall, you can do it any width up to 48’’. The height can be adjusted depending on the height of the user of the ceiling. You can buy 1’’ steel tube and additional L brackets to switch it into multi-user pull up station. 

It has an outstanding finish that will make it last for years. Due to quality craftsmanship, it is one of the most demanding pull-up bars in the market today.

Build Quality

Due to heavy-weight steel construction, this pull-up bar is durable. It can withstand intense physical stress. It can support the weight of up to 500 lbs. Many pull up bars that you will find in the market have eight shiny or chrome coating. But, this pull-up bar from Titan Fitness has matte black powder coating that will prevent slippage even when you sweat. Using this pull up bar, you will have a similar feeling like working out in the gym. It provides multiple grip options in a tough frame. The frame is welded together to provide additional strength. It is designed to be used by amateurs and professionals alike. Overall, it is a sturdy pull-up bar without any extra frills. 


This pull up bar is 53’’ in length and has a diameter of 1.25’’. It is lightweight and so you will be able to carry it around. You can expand it using the extra tube and brackets provided. That way, many people will be able to use it. 


It uses matte powder coating that prevents hands from slipping during exercise; thus, reducing the chance of injuries. As there are various grip positions, you will get the flexibility during workouts. 


Pull-ups are very effective in working out your whole body. When you hang from the bar and pull your body up till your chin is over the bar, the entire body gets affected, particularly, it works on your biceps, lower back, forearms, and abs. This pull-up bar from Titan Fitness has different grip positions that will allow you to perform a wide range of motions. The close grip, wide grip, reverse grip, and hammer grip places emphasis on various parts of the body. With the weight capacity of 500 lbs, you will be able to work out comfortably. As it is designed to be installed either vertically or horizontally, it allows flexibility in workouts. It can be installed in such a way that more than one person can workout at a time. When you work out together, it creates motivation and you will be able to get faster results.  


  • It has a classic design which many people like.
  • It is constructed with heavy-weight steel.
  • It has a black matte coating that prevents slippage.
  • It is rust-resistant.
  • It can withstand 500 lbs of weight which is higher than most of the pull-up bars you will find in the market today. 
  • You can install it vertically or horizontally.
  • You can adjust the height of the pull-up bar according to your needs. 
  • It is very stable and sturdy.
  • It is easy to install.
  • It is reasonably priced.


  • Unlike the other pull up bars, there are no perpendicular grips for neutral-grip exercises. 
  • It may feel bulky due to the large frame.
  • Some extra equipment may be needed to fix it on the wall properly; this equipment is not included in the standard packaging. 

 Final Verdict

This pull-up bar is one of the finest equipment you will find in the market today. Using this bar, you will be able to test your upper body strength and develop your back muscle as well. It is important to learn the proper pull-up technique; otherwise, you won’t achieve your desired result. It may not be easy at the beginning; but as you keep on practicing you will find it very comfortable to use. If you have a high quality pull up bar like the Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar, then things will be much easier and effective for you.

Its heavy-weight steel construction makes the pull-up bar strong and stable. You will get a solid feel while doing exercises. Quality craftsmanship guarantees that it will be able to meet the demands of both the amateurs and the professional athletes. Its matte black powder coating prevents slippage and so you will be able to workout without any interruptions. The grips are comfortable and you can choose from different grip positions. The top-quality construction and finish ensure that it will last for years. It can be a perfect addition to your home gym. You can include it in your daily workout routine and get results quickly.

Buy Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Chin Up Bar
